The announcement of the discovery of Kepler-186f a planet about the size of Earth and inside it star habitable zone produced in the usual excitement. It also produce the expected speculation about this planet have life on it and even possibly intelligent life. Also followed were the usual artist depictions of the planet making it look similar to Earth. However an actual analysis of Kepler-186f shows that all it really has in common with the Earth that it is the closer to the Earth in size than any other planet outside the Solar System.
First of all Kepler-186f is 1.1 times the size of the Earth which means that it has about 1.331 times the volume of the Earth. This means that it has a volume is nearly a third more than the Earth does. So if it's density is similar to Earth it would have 1.331 time the mass and 10% more gravity. How ever if they the same composition. Kepler-186f 's mass would be 1.44 times that of the Earth and it gravity would be 1.2 times Earth gravity. If Kepler-186f is composed largely of ice/water its mass would be 0.32 times that of Earth with only 26% of Earth's gravity. If however Kepler-186f is composed largely of iron then its mass would be 3.77 times that of the Earth with a 3.11 time Earths gravity.
Furthermore Kepler-186f is on the outer fringe of Kepler-186's habitable zone getting only about 1/3 the energy from its star than the Earth gets from the sun. This means that noon would be like twilight on Earth, which is actually less energy than is received by the planet Mars. Because Kepler-186 is M1-spectral type red dwarf star it considerably dimmer than the sun, such that Kepler-186f i orbits at only 0.32 AU (Earth = 1 AU) and orbits every 130 days. This is close enough that Kepler-186f could be tidally locked to Kepler-186 but it is not certain.
Now while non of these possibilities totally eliminate habitability they do it as at be premature to be taking about habitability since there are too many variables. The real problem for Kepler-186f being habitable is that that it is close enough to it's star to be frequently bathed in intense radiation from stellar fleers which would probably sterilize the planet. Showing their never ending faith in Evolution, evolutionists have actually been suggested that this radiation would drive evolution by causing mutations in any life on the planet, but given the highly and actually universal destructiveness of mutations this radiation would destroy any life the might be on Kepler-186f. It is clear that who ever has come up with this idea has been reading too many comic books.
While Kepler-186f is close to the Earth in size that is really where it end as far as any real data in concerned. What is the real and only driving force behind any claims about life on Kepler-186f is evolutionary atheistic presupposition that there has to be life on some other planet and the resulting grasping at any straw of a possible habitable planet.
Despite all of the evolutionary atheistic presupposition that this planet may be habitable, there is not even smallest bit of evidence that Kepler-186f has even a drop liquid water, and even if it did that is not evidence for life. However behind the repeated desperate hopefulness of finding life on one of these exoplanets is the theory abiogenesis a theory of biological origins that is thermodynamically impossible. Abiogenesis is the theory that life arose spontaneously for non living chemicals. The thermodynamic impossibility of abiogenesis results from statistical thermodynamics and not from the 2nd law. However the desperation for atheists to explain how we got here without God requires them assume that life arose spontaneously for non living chemicals no mater how much the laws of physics say it can't happen.
------ Charles Creager Jr.
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