Monday, December 26, 2011

Faster than Light Neutrinos Flaw Found

Two Indian physicists have found serious a problem with the experimental observations that neutrinos went faster than Light. That problem is has to do with the fact that if the neutrinos has traveled faster than Light relativity shows that their energy would have actually been much lower than what was actually observed. This throws an interesting wrench in problem.

Interestingly there is a way of reconciling these results that is consistent with established physics, specifically Quantum Mechanics. That solution is that the CERN neutrinos did travel at sublight speeds but only through the space they actually went through and that the instantly skipped the rest of it making their average speed faster than light. Quantum Mechanics has several phenomenon like quantum tunneling that allow this to happen

This also supports my information universe since the location of a particle is just information it can skip over segments of space and effectively travel faster than light with out actually doing so through the space it actually goes through. In fact the model the speed of light is the fastest that it possible to go with out skipping over segments of  space because light travels exactly 1 planck length / planck time so if the if space is pixilated then to go faster than that would require skipping over segments of space.

------ Charles Creager Jr.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

[GSMNL] Recent Artilces onStatistical Thermodynamics


I have posted some new articles to my web site regarding statistical thermo dynamics and entropy.


At Genesis Science Mission:

Statistical Thermodynamics

Statistical Entropy

These are building up two the next two which will deal with the affect of applied energy on entropy, and the other is about what it says regarding the origin of life.



Merry Christmas




------ Charles Creager Jr.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Some dinosaur species shown to be the same species

Dinosaurs are captivating animals particularly among children but now it turns out that as many as 1/3 of dinosaur species may not have existed as separate species but were actually juveniles and adults of the same species.
Paleontologists at UC Berkeley discovered that three species of dome-headed dinosaur, (Dracorex, Stygimoloch, and Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis) are actually the same species at different ages and maturity.

This has profound implication for the study of dinosaurs because it has the potential of changing the entire dinosaur fossil landscape. It also raises the question of what else have they missed. The fact is that this discovery could have implications that go way beyond dinosaurs after all the same mistake could have been made with other types of fossils. As a result this discovery could send waves through out the fossil record.

It also shows just how much evolutionists have botched their interpretation of the fossil record. How many so called transitional forms are juveniles particularly among amphibians.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos Found by 2nd Test

Recently scientists at the CERN Supercollider reported measuring Neutrinos that were traveling faster than light This produced a fire storm about what the discovery meant for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. While the answerer is that it just improves our understanding of with out destroying as some claim. At the need to have the discovery confirmed was being emphasized by the scientists involved.

Now scientists at the CERN have reported that a second test has provided the first confirmation of this amazing discovery. They concluded that further confirmation is needed from elsewhere in the world but this is encouraging.

If solidly confirmed these Tachyon Neutrinos would change the way other experiments are viewed. Quantum Mechanics has produced a number of experiments that suggest faster than light transmission and confirmed these Tachyon Neutrinos would show that it to be possible,

------ Charles Creager Jr.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Introducing a page on The Scientific Establishment

The Scientific Establishment

The scientific establishment consists of all the mainstream scientific institutions. Those who run these institutions control many aspects of main stream science allowing them to limit research and distribution of material they don’t like.   These positions include those that control publishing, employment, research grants, research facilities and education.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Remember to give thanks to God our Creator on this Thanksgiving.
 Remembering: Jesus is God our Creator and Redeemer.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

GSM news letter.

The introductory page to the section on Information Theory is up.

Basic Information Theory

This is the maiin Genesis Science page below is a kink to the page from the texed base companon site,

Basic Concepts of Information Theory




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Introducing a page on Creationism


Creationism is the philosophical position that the Earth and universe and life were created by God or some other supreme being. It is common for Evolutionists to equate Creation Science with Creationism but they are not equivalent to each other. Creationism is a philosophical position while Creation Science is a scientific discipline based on Creationism. Understanding this difference is critical to understand the enter Origins issue, since it is the same difference as exists between Evolution and Naturalism.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Introducing a page on Naturalism


Naturalism is the philosophical position that all phenomena can be explained in terms of natural causes and laws. This purely philosophical and essentially atheistic position forces it adherents to dismiss out of hand and consideration of the supernatural. It forces totally natural explanations on all phenomenon even if no totally natural explanations is capable of explaining the entire phenomenon such as the human mind or it requires violating well established laws of physics like abiogenesis.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Introducing a page on Scientific Objectivity

Scientific Objectivity

There exists a common misconception that scientists are totally objective but this is nothing but a myth and one that is easily busted. Not only are scientists human and subject to all human flaws but ones philosophical assumptions will always influence conclusions no mater how objective you try to be. Furthermore knowing something about the topic will inevitably cause a person to form opinions about that topic.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Introducing a page on Science and Politics

Science and Politics

When ever science and politics interact science is more often than not the looser. This does not mean that all interactions between science and government are negative but the overall affect on science is negative. The video on this page describes the interactions of science and politics including the benefits and problems.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Introducing a page on Methodology of Science

Methodology of Science

The methodology of science includes the scientific method and aspects of scientific activity.  The Scientific Method is a general description of how science works. The video on this page describes the Scientific Method and it imperfection in describing science as a whole.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Introducing a page on the Use of Evolutionist by Creationists

Use of Evolutionist by Creationists

This is an article on the way Creationists uses the terms evolution and evolutionist showing why that use is legitimate despite attacks to the contrary. This video puts to rest the notion the Creationists in any way misuse the terms evolution and evolutionist.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Introducing a page on Science and Religion

Science and Religion

Science and religion are often seen as rivals because establishment science and religion some times have conflicts. This is because the Scientific Establishment refuses to allow any consideration of God or the supernatural. The video on this page deals with this issue.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Introducing a page on Creation Science being, scientific.

Is Creation Science, Science?

The critics of Creation Science claim that it is not falsifiable or subject to change. However this is not true because Creation Science theories are falsifiable and subject to change. The video on this page shows that Creation Science meats the definition of science unless one insists on a definition that is specifically intended to eliminate it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Introducing the Genesis Science Mission page on the Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of Science

This article is a discussion of the Philosophy of Science which deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science. It contains a video discussion that introduces the basic concept of Philosophy of Science. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Introducing the Genesis Science Mission page on the Bible

The Bible

This article is a short introductory discussion of God’s holy word the Bible with a video that provides a good introduction. It has places for future links to articles on details about specific articles.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Introducing the Genesis Science Mission page on Archaeology


Archaeology is the science of deducing past human history from artifacts left behind. Genesis Science Mission page on Archaeology is an introductory presentation of Archaeology in a video.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Introducing the Genesis Science Mission page on Biology


This article is an introductory discussion of the Science of Biology from Genesis Science Mission. It presents basic principles of Biology such as DNA as well as problems with evolution and abiogenesis.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Introducing the Genesis Science Mission Article on Cosmology


This article is an introductory discussion of cosmology with a video. It presents cosmology both evolutionary and creationist cosmologies and the assumptions of both. This page also had provisions for linking to future articles.   

Monday, November 7, 2011

An introduction to the Genesis Science Mission page on Physics

This is an introduction to the Physics at Genesis Science Mission. It includes articles on Thermodynamics, Quantum mechanics, Relativity and other theories of modern physics.

Many of the articles on various aspects of physics have interactive programs that help illustrate the principles under descusion.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Sort Introduction to Geology

The science that deals with the study of the Earth is called geology.  Studding minerals and rocks are the most basic part of geology.  Minerals are the component parts of rocks. They have a definite inorganic chemical composition and form natural crystalline solids. There are three main types of rocks: Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary.
Stratigraphy is an important part of part of geology. There are three main principles of stratigraphy the principle of superposition, the Principle of continuity and the Principle of original horizontally. These three main principles dominate stratigraphy despite this to observational and experimental evidence exist that all of these principles of stratigraphy are wrong. It turns out that in flowing water sediment is laid down horizontally not vertically as the Principles of Stratigraphy assume.

Friday, November 4, 2011

[GSMNL] Genesis Science Mission mews letter

 Genesis Science Mission has been taking a lot of my tine I have added introductory pages on several main topics.

Genesis Science Mission is still a work in progress. The new topics include Archaeology, Astronomy, The Bible Biology, Chemistry, Cosmology, and Geology,

Click here to see them: Genesis Science Mission



Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A look at Science the Search for Knowledge

This page provides a description of science and what it really is. Most of the content is in an embedded video. This is a page on the Genesis Science Mission creation science web site that describes the nature of science.

Knowing what science is and is not is critical to understanding the issues raised by science. This page shows that there are those who try to make science a search for purely naturalistic explanations rather than a search for knowledge. When science is forced into this naturalistic box it becomes a slave to a particular philosophical world view rather than pursuing genuine knowledge.

The discussion on this page seeks to provide a description of science that is frees from that is not bound to a particular world view.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sedimentation in flowing water

This is an article on sedimentation in flowing water with video

Above is a video illustration of the formation of sedimentary layer in flowing water. It is based on both experimentation and observation. The direction of flow is left to right. Note that all three layers are forming together in the direction of flow. This means that the Principles of Stratigraphy do not necessarily work in the real world.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Big Foot Could be Gigantopithecus.

They are called Bigfoot by mostr people and American Indians known it as Sasquatch, but what ever it is occasional sittings have occurred right up to the present. It is called Bigfoot from the large foot prints the leave behind but based on the description it is most likely a larger ape.

This  is the Patterson Film it is most famous Bigfoot footage. This film was taken by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin in 1967 the approximate range to the Bigfoot is about 100 feet. There are those are claims that this film was a hoax bur even if it is; there many other sightings suggesting that Bigfoot could be a real animal. If this film is genuine then it supports the identification of Sasquatch as being a type of large ape. The Yeti of which has been sighted in the Himalayas of Asia. Also known as the abominable snow man; it leaves the same large prints as Sasquatch.
So is there an animal known to science that could account for both groups of sightings? The answer is yes. They are known only by fragmented fossils found in as Asia but they fit the description perfectly. These anumales are a type of large ape called Gigantopithecus. While most of  its fossils are found in Southeast Asia, the possibility that some migration to North America is not impossible. It would stand at 10 feet and would be a prefect match for Bigfoot. So if Bigfoot is real it is most likely a living Gigantopithecus making it a living fossil.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Introducing Genesis Science Mission

Genesis Science Mission is an interactive Creation Science experience that presents and illustrates both General and Creation Science principles through video and interactive material. The site is under development and so more is being added to it on a regular bases.
The interactive material helps improve your understanding of scientific principles by allowing you to play with them in fun and safe manner.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Science of Cosmology

Cosmology: The scientific discipline dealing with the origin, structure, and relationships of the universe
A cosmology: Any theory or doctrine that describes the natural order of the universe.

Every civilization has had a cosmology as far back as it known and they have usually taken the form of a philosophically based mythology.  Increased knowledge in Physics and Chemistry has resulted in a more scientific approach but philosophic assumptions still play a major role in Cosmology.

The expansion of the Universe was discovered by Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 by measuring the redshifts of distant galaxies. In 1998 it was discovered the expansion of the universe to be accelerating based on observations of type Ia supernovae.

Cosmic Background Radiation is the thermal black body spectrum that is nearly uniform in every direction, It represents a temperature of 2.725 K peaking in the microwave range a frequency of 160.2 GHz, with a wavelength of 1.9 mm. It was first observed in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. The CBR temperature fluctuations discovered by the WMAP data of the entire sky showed an average temperature is 2.725 Kelvin with tiny temperature fluctuations spanning about 0.0002 degrees Celsius.

The Big Bang Cosmology is the current Cosmology of the scientific establishment. The model starts with all mater and space squeezed into an infinitesimal dot called a singularity. This infinitesimal dot suddenly underwent an extremely energetic expansion commonly described as an explosion. Over time the heat of this expansion cooled eventually forming galaxies, stars, planets and eventually us. CBR is seen as residual heat from the Big Bang red shifted by the expansion of t he universe. The Big Bang is based on three main purely philosophical assumptions. First there is absolute naturalism with no intelligents or purpose being allowed in the process. The universe is considered to be unbounded with no edge that is no point beyond which there is no mater. Finally there is the cosmological principle which states that the universe looks the same from every place. The goal is to deal with the fact that we seem to be at the center of the universe by making every place look like the center
There Other Naturalistic Cosmologies such as the steady state cosmology which has no beginning or end to the universe but requires a continual source of new matter. There is a new Cosmology called the electric universe which depicts much of the phenomenon in universe as being electrical in nature. It is not yet fully developed.  

Creationist Cosmology is based on three main purely philosophical assumptions. The first is God as the creative intelligents with purpose in the process. The universe viewed as bounded with an edge beyond which no mater is found. There is a center to the universe and the Earth is near it. Now this is not Geodetic because the universe does not rotate around the Earth Plugging these assumptions along with the observed expansion into relativity results in time dilation at the center where the Earth would have been producing a time line on Earth consistent with the Biblical account. CBR is seen as the light God created on day one red shifted by an expansion factor of about 3,300.

In conclusion Cosmology deals with the origin, structure, and relationships of the universe but is heavily dependent on philosophical assumptions since we only see the universe a one location that is the Earth. Evolutionary and Creationist Cosmologies are based on different assumptions producing different results for the same data.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Manner in Which Creationists Use the Term Evolutionist Explained

Creationists often use the term Evolution to refer to entire naturalistic view of origins starting with the Big Bang and going to Man. Creationists will also use the term Evolutionist to refer to proponents of the Big Bang to Man view of origins.
The Creationist usage of the terms Evolution and Evolutionist has recently come under attack by those actively opposing creation Science. The claim is that evolution only refers to biological evolution which only goes from a first cell to man. It is further claimed that Creationists are ether ignorant or misrepresenting the term Evolution. It goes on to claim that abiogenesis, planetary formation, stellar formation and the Big Bang are all independent disciplines unrelated to evolution.

Creationists fully understand that these are different disciplines and we do no misrepresent the term Evolution because it is wrong to claim that they are unrelated to biological evolution since together they form one complete view of origins. In fact they are all referred to as evolution by main stream sources like NASA and the NSF. They use distinguishing terms like biological evolution, chemical evolution, planetary evolution, stellar evolution cosmic evolution.

Biological evolution refers to the development of life. Chemical evolution refers to the origin of life. Planetary evolution refers to formation and development of planetary bodies. Stellar evolution refers to the formation, development and death of stars. Cosmic evolution refers to the beginning, development and possible end of the universe. Some times this by itself refers the entire Big Bang to man concept.

Note that these are all labeled evolution so it is not inappropriate to refer to them all collectively as Evolution its proponents as Evolutionists. The terms Evolution and Evolutionists are often used by Creationists simply do to a lack of better terms.

I have also used the terms General Evolution and General Evolution theory to help avoid confusion.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An Introduction to the Science of Chemistry

Chemistry: The field of science that is the study of the interactions of atoms to form molecules and their properties.

The beginnings of Chemistry go back to before known civilization with fire and metal work. According to the book of Genesis in the Bible metal work goes back to Tubal-cain who lived before the Flood. Modern Chemistry grew out of Alchemy and its search to turn metals like lead into gold and the so called elixir of life. Chemistry got much from Alchemy particularly its affinity research and experimentation. Once Chemistry broke from Alchemy it lead to an explosion of knowledge about the nature and structure of matter.

Chemistry begins with individual atoms of different elements such as hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. Atoms come together to form molecules such as water which is made of one oxygen atom getting together with two hydrogen atoms, methane which is made of one carbon atom getting together with four hydrogen atoms and carbon dioxide which is made of two oxygen atoms getting together with one carbon atom. These are all different substances with different properties.

The Periodic Table is a list of the chemical elements organized by recurring properties. The information about each element included varies but often includes element’s name, atomic number, symbol, and atomic weight. It is a vary use full took in Chemistry and one the most recognizable things associated with Chemistry.

Chemical reactions are the process by which atoms come together or are rearranged to form new molecules. There are two main types of chemical reactions. Endothermic reactions which use heat energy in forming new molecules and exothermic reactions which release heat energy in forming new molecules. Exothermic reactions are some times explosive which is a common danger in Chemistry.

There are two main fields of chemistry. Organic chemistry which is chemistry based on the element Carbon and may or may not involve life and inorganic chemistry which is chemistry not based on the element Carbon.

In conclusion chemistry is a major field of science and it is the most experiment based field of science. Chemistry embodies the ideal of science stated in the scientific method more than any other field of science.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Science of Biology

Biology: The study of life and living organisms
Life: That which undergo metabolism, grows and reproduce.
Cell: The basic functional unit of life.
Organism: A contiguous living system.

DNA which is short for deoxyribonucleic acid is the information storage device of  living cells. Amazingly DNA is actually a digitally encoded information storage system.

Cells are the basic functional unit of life and yet they are still highly complex organized systems of information, structure, molecular machines and much more. Each cell has a level of complexity similar to a city but possesses more organization making even the simplest living cell more complex and organized than any man made machine.  

Single-cell life includes organisms made of only one cell some are bacteria some are single cell animals and single celled plants such as blue green algae. Multi-cellular life includes organisms consisting of multiple cells usually billions such as plants animals and people.

In really there are essentially only two possible origins for life: A naturalistic origin called abiogenesis or a supernaturally intelligently designed origin. Other suggestions don’t actually solve the problem but merely move it some place else in the Universe.

Abiogenesis has the problem of overcoming the humongous organized complexity gap between a living cell and the chemical constituents that make up a cell. Furthermore no natural process actually demonstrated to exist can accomplish the task but known natural processes indicate that it can not happen. Going from non living chemicals to a living cell requires a huge decrease in entropy and statistical thermodynamics shows that natural processes tend to go towards increased entropy; which is the opposite direction of that needed for abiogenesis. Now adding energy can decrease entropy it only does so if applied in a sufficiently organized manner and no known natural process can apply energy in a sufficiently organized manner to achieve abiogenesis suggesting that abiogenesis is impossible. 

A supernaturally intelligently designed origin of life does not have these problems.  First of all it is known that intelligents can create complex organized systems because humans do so. Second it is known that intelligents can encode a functioning genome because human scientists have done so. Intelligents does have a sufficient degree of organized complexity to create a living cell. Furthermore the intelligents that started life in the universe would have to be from out side it and thus would be supernatural.

Evolutionists will often claim that evolution is just change over time in the inherited traits found in a population. If this were really all that was meant by evolution there would be no issue since creationists agree that there is change over time in the inherited traits of a population.

The real dispute is with the idea that observed variations can start with one cell and produce all life found on earth including man. Going from microbe to man requires adding a lot of information by nothing but than mutations and natural selection. The Evolutionist argument is that given enough time mutations and natural selection can produce any thing, however such large degrees of change has never actually been observed. They are however a necessary assumption for a totally naturalistic origin of current living systems.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Neutrinos Moving Faster than Light is not the Problem for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity that Some Claim.

The recent report by CERN that they measured neutrinos going faster than the speed of light by about 20 parts per million has made quite a stir. Given that the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s these neutrinos were going 6 km/s faster than light which could easily be an experimental error.

It would not be a problem for Special Relativity since not traveling at or faster than the light only applies to particles with a real non zero rest mass. A particle like a photon that has a zero rest mass travels at the speed of light. Particles that travel faster than light have been speculated for years under the name tachyons. Tachyons would have a negative imaginary rest mass giving it a real non zero mass at speeds above the speed of light.

Also quantum effects like quantum tunneling provided another way around the light barrier by allowing particles to instantly skip over an area of space without actually going through it while traveling sub light through the space it does go through thus not violating Special Relativity. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Quantum Mechanics and the Bible in Physics.

If as it claims the Bible is the word of God then we should expect its view of reality to fit with the reality we see around us. The Bible describes events and ideas that do not fit well with the clock work deterministic universe of Classical Mechanics. The clock work deterministic universe idea made many of the events in the Bible seem to be impossible. However Quantum Mechanics eliminates this purely deterministic universe. It turns out the Quantum Mechanics is a good fit the Bible and the following examples show why this is the case.

Creation out of nothing.

Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Exodus 20:11, For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is…
Proverbs16:4, The LORD hath made all things for himself…
Hebrews 11:3, Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

The implication is that God made every thing from nothing and Quantum Mechanics shows this to be possible. Quantum Mechanics has what are called virtual particles that pop in and out of existence all the time. Wave-particle duality eliminates the idea of particles as solid ball like objects. Particles are exhibiting their wave nature have only a quasi existence where they are essentially every place at once.

These facts alone suggest the Universe could be created out of nothing however the Big Bang is thought to have started with a quantum fluctuation from nothing. That is not say that the Bible agrees with the Big Bang theory because it does not but the point is that Quantum Mechanics supports a creation from nothing.

By Him All Things Consist

Colossians 1:17, And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

This verse indicates that the universe is actively maintained by God. The indeterminacy of Quantum Mechanics is expected with intelligent control of the universe.  General Intelligent Design is a perfect match to this concept. General Intelligent Design depicts quantum mechanical waves and their collapse as being the result of intelligent agents that determine the states resulting from the waves' collapse. In this case God would be the intelligent agent behind Quantum mechanical waves and their collapse

Post Resurrection Appearances and Disappearances of Jesus

According to the Bible, Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us of our sin this salvation comes to the individual by acceptance of God’s offer as a free gift. He then rose from the dead on the third day. Following His resurrection Jesus was no longer restricted in space. He could now appear at will where he would and then disappear again.  Even a locked room was not a problem since Jesus appeared to his disciples inside as locked room and then He then disappeared again.

It turns out that Quantum Mechanics provides a possible scientific description of these events. A particles wave function can have a high probability at one point and a low or non in another. If the waves swap positions then the probabilities would be swapped and a particle which is in the first position will instantly jumps to the other. If a wave function starts with a high probability outside a locked room and a low or zero probability inside a locked room and that wave function changes so that it has a high probability inside a locked room and a low or zero probability outside a locked room then the object would suddenly appear inside the locked room.

If Jesus started out side a locked room His body would have wave function starts with a high probability outside the locked room and a low or zero probability inside the locked room. If He could change His wave function at will; not a stretch since He is God; to a high probability inside a locked room and a low or zero probability outside a locked room then He would suddenly appear inside the locked room. Changing His wave function back again He would then disappear again. This provides a possible scientific description of the post resurrection appearances and disappearances of Jesus. This is just a possible description of how He could do these things and in no way detracts from the miraculous nature of these events.
Existence of the Soul and free will

The existence of the soul and free will have come under attack by two philosophical concepts materialism and determinism. Materialism is the theory that the only reality that exists is physical matter and that everything can be explained in terms of matter physical phenomena including mind, thought, feeling, consciousness and will.

Determinism is the doctrine that all events are fully determined by preceding events and conditions including human choices and actions.

As a result of these doctrines freedom of choice is considered illusory. It needs to be realized that modern studied of neurology do allow any consideration of dualism is dealing with the mind / brain issue. Only theories that assume from the start that them mind is nothing but a by product of the brain are allowed consideration so it is no surprise that there conclusion leave not place fore the sole or free will.

Both materialism and determinism fit well classical mechanics but quantum mechanics refutes both ideas. Under quantum mechanics the future position of a particle can not be determined precisely which refutes determinism. Under quantum mechanics particles do not have an exact position and can be everywhere at once which refutes materialism.

By refuting materialism and determinism quantum mechanics also refutes the naturalistic view of the mind that is the idea that the mind is nothing but the neuron activity of the brain opening the door to two alternatives dualism and quantum mind theory. Dualism where the mind and brain are totally separate and quantum mind theory which depicts the brain as a quantum computer. Both ideas allow for free will and the possibility of life after death.

Quantum Mechanics allows for a new theory of dualism where the mind and brain are separate but connected by quantum entanglement. Quantum mechanics then becomes the means of mind / brain interactions.  Based on this view mind is not limited to the brain thus can have free will and survive the death of the brain.

Quantum mind theory says that the mind results from quantum activity in brain. Basically the brain is seen as quantum computer where quantum indeterminately allows for the possibility of free will. Quantum nonlocality and entanglement allows for the possibility of the mind surviving the death of the brain.

The point is quantum mechanics provides for the possibility of a non materialistic mind. So is there evidence for a quantum mechanical aspect to the brain. Yes: in he synaptic activity in the brain. Calcium ions that trigger exocytosis needs to cross a barrier to the synaptic vesicle and the Calcium ions can not classically cross this barrier. As a result quantum tunneling is needed fore the Calcium ions to cross this barrier but the odds of this occurring are 1 in 10,000,000.  The problem is that the functioning of the brain requires this quantum tunneling to occur on demand. The only way to get quantum tunneling on demand is for the mind to be able to control quantum events. This means that the mind must be a result of more than synaptic activity. There needs to be an immaterial aspect to the mind that does not depend on the brain and that controls this quantum tunneling.

As a result quantum mechanics shows the Biblical view of man is possible. It allows for the possibility of free will and the possibility of an eternal soul.

The point is Quantum Mechanics allows for possibilities that classical mechanics does not. Consider what a being with total control of quantum phenomenon could do such a being would literally be capable of miracles. For over 200 years the idea of miracles has been criticized. However quantum mechanics shows how miracles could be possible. It is actually powerful support for the truth of the Bible.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Force It Really Moves

Force: That which causes a free body to undergo acceleration.

There are 4 fundamental  forces in Nature.
Gravity: The mutual attraction of all matter in the universe.
Electromagnetism: The mutual attraction and repulsion of charged partials.
Weak nuclear force: Regulates some types of nuclear decay including Bata decay.
Strong nuclear force: The Binding force of the atomic nucleus.

Forces cause the acceleration of mater which isby definition the main function of force . It can overcome other forces such as friction gravity abd the Strong nuclear force overcomes the mutual electromagnetic repulsion of protons that would blow every atomic nucleus apart. Force also holds things together. The electromagnetic force holds an object together including your body and the strong nuclear force holds atomic nuclei together. It can break things apart such as bombs or the force resulting from ramming two things together which can cause them to shatter and the peaces to fly apart.

Regardless of its source force causes acceleration. Force can also stop acceleration by resisting another force. Force holes thing together so force does indeed bind us together so it looks like Ben Kenobi got it partly right. Force makes our existence possible.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Quantum Physics Interpretations

The following interpretations try to explain what is really going on behind Quantum Mechanics. Each often has unique basic concepts and they are not necessarily mutually exclusive since there is some overlap of concepts.

Schrödinger's cat

Schrödinger's cat was a thought experiment that involved placing a cat in a sealed box with a vile of poison that would kill the cat if broken, a radioactive material and a gaiter counter set to drop a hammer on the vile of poison if it detects a radiometric decay event. When the cat is later observed it is found to be ether alive or dead and each these interpretation has a different description of the state of the cat before it is observed.

Copenhagen interpretation

The Copenhagen interpretation says that a quantum particle doesn't exist in any one state but exists in all of it’s possible states at once. A soon as a quantum particle is observed it is essentially forced into one of the possible states and that is the state that is actually observed. Since it may be forced into a different state each time is why quantum particles behave erratically. The state of a particle being in all possible states at once is called an object's coherent superposition. When an object is observe the superposition collapses the object is forced into one of the states of its wave function.

According to the Copenhagen interpretation Schrödinger's cat would be both dead and alive at the same time until actually observed. Ultimately the only thing that really matters are the experimental results it does not really seek to explain what it happening behind the experimental results. Currently it is the most popular interpretation, but it is losing ground.

Consistent histories

The consistent histories interpretation was put forward by Robert Griffiths in 1984. It works backwards from the result of an experiment and says that only a few possible histories are consistent with quantum mechanics and that Quantum mechanics simply predicts the probabilities of various alternative histories Schrödinger's cat is either alive or dead but not  both Quantum mechanics just gives the probability of which it may be. This idea is not very popular because it still doesn't explain how a particle can go through two slits and interfere with itself and it is considered by some to be pretty much the same as Copenhagen.

Transactional interpretation

The Transactional interpretation was published by John Cramer in July 1986. It sees quantum mechanical waves as stand waves in space time that constructively interfere were the particle is  and destructively interfere every place else. These waves go both forward and backward in time. There is an "exact canceling" of waves so that is no "net" energy travels backwards in time. In the case of Schrödinger's cat tt is alive until the interference patterns line up in the sample to result in a decay event.

Bohm interpretation

The Bohm interpretation; also called the pilot-wave theory; depicts the quantum wave guides the particle. It is totally deterministic and good at explaining quantum phenomenon but requires a large number of hidden variables that can not be directly measured. The hidden variables have the side affect of rendering the interpretation untestable. Schrödinger's cat is alive until one the pilot-waves in the sample to causes a decay event.

Many-worlds interpretation

The many-worlds interpretation was proposed by Hugh Everett III in 1957. Sees the world as constantly splitting off into multiple universes in which every possible quantum event occurs. This fits perfectly with Evolution even the most improbable events occurred in some of these universes.

In the case of Schrödinger's cat the universe keeps spitting off into each alternative in one the cat lives and in the other dies. They both happen in different quantum universes.

There is no evidence for this interpretation since the alterative worlds would be forever out of reach. While quantum interference between adjacent worlds has been suggested, the possible evidence for it. Successful interpretation of single particle interference is not unique to the Many-worlds interpretation. So acceptance of this interpretation is purely philosophical and not scientific since it can not be tested.

Consciousness causes collapse

With consciousness causes collapse consciousness causes collapses the quantum mechanical waves. It is usually associated with observation. There is some supporting evidence for this though the evidence is not exclusive to this interpretation. It is compatible with General Intelligent Design as well.  This supporting evidence comes from the human brain. It turns out that synaptic activity in the brain requires quantum tunneling on demand. This shows some degree of control by the mind of quantum wave functions.

Thus view fits well with both New Age / Hinduism, and the Christian world view. With New Age / Hinduism it provides a way for the mind to interact with the world beyond the five senses. With the Christian world view, since God is the ultimate mind it provides a model for his interaction with our world. 

Schrödinger's cat It would be both alive and dead until observed then the mind of the observer would collapse the wave function choosing one or the other. It is similar to the Copenhagen interpretation in this regard.

General Intelligent Design

General Intelligent Design also known as General Grand Unification (GGU) was published by Dr. Robert A. Herrmann professor of Mathematics retired U. S. Naval Academy.

By this view quantum mechanical waves and their collapse results from intelligent agents that determine the states resulting from the waves' collapse. These intelligent agents could be one or more intelligent beings or mechanisms preprogrammed by an intelligent being.  This is supported by evidence of synaptic activity in the brain requiring quantum tunneling on demand showing some degree of intelligent control of quantum wave functions.

This interpretation fits well with the Christian world view. The idea of an intelligence controlling the universe at its fundamental level fits well with God as described in the Bible. In the case of Schrödinger's cat, the cat is a live until the controlling intelligent agent decides to cause a decay event to takes place and then the cat dies.

The Mind and Quantum Mechanics

The relationship between the mind and Quantum Mechanics is mentioned here because it provides evidence in support for the last two interpretations consciousness causes collapse and General Intelligent Design. It turns out that the synaptic barriers of dendrite brain cells are too thick for nerve signals to classically cross. This means that nerve signals need to use Quantum tunneling to cross the dendrite synaptic barrier. The odds of the nerve signal tunneling across the dendrite synaptic barrier are 1 chance in  10,000,000,  Yet for our brains to function these tunneling events need to occur on demand this is evidence for the mind being able to control quantum phenomenon and against the naturalistic model of the mind as well.

In conclusion there are many ways of interpreting Quantum Mechanics. Acceptance or rejection of each often has more to do with philosophy than science. each fits better with some philosophical views than others and each interpretation differs in how it sees the fundamental nature of reality.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The EPA’s Carbon Dioxide Pollution Myth is. Busting

The Environmental Protection Agency has declared carbon dioxide to be a dangerous pollutant and they have started regulating it accordingly. This is total stupid since the notion of carbon dioxide being an air pollutant is absurd because carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring atmospheric gas that is exhaled by people and animals and used by plants. Not only do plants thrive on higher levels of carbon dioxide and it is not dangerous because you breathe it in and out in every breath of your life with no affects.

Carbon dioxide is actually the most naturally occurring gas for terrestrial planetary atmospheres. The Solar system has three terrestrial planets with substantial atmospheres two of them Mars and Venus have predominately carbon dioxide atmosphere. Even Earth would have a nitrogen / carbon dioxide atmosphere if it were not for plants producing lots of free oxygen. So once again carbon idea of dioxide being a pollutant is absurd.

You may be asking about climate change or global warming or what ever the latest term of the week may be? Well if you ignore the fact that the computer models used to support man caused global warming make the thermodynamically impossible assumption that as the global temperature raises the amount of heat lost to space is reduced. If you also ignore the Climate Gate emails that show that climate data has been manipulated.

If you ignore all this and take the proponents of global warming at their word, they are only predicting a rise in temperature comparable to that of the Medieval Warm Period. The Medieval Warm Period was actually beneficial allowing the Vikings to reach America and helping Europe recover from the black plaque and producing increased food production and prosperity.  So once again carbon idea of dioxide being a pollutant is absurd.

Now the question is why did the EPA take such a ludicrous step? The answer is Cap and Trade. President Obama could not get congress to pass Cap and Trade; a scam that would enrich those behind the plan at the expense of the U.S. economy. After congress refused to pass Cap and Trade seeing it as a job killer during a time of high unemployment President Obama used the EPA to do get it by way of regulation. The EPA ruling carbon dioxide as a dangerous pollutant is President Obama’s way of doing this.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Motion in Physics it Moves Things

Motion: The change in the location of an object with respect to time.

Strait line motion is basic motion in a strait ling with no force involved thus no acceleration and a constant velocity. Circular motion is motion around a central point it results from a force being applied to an object at a right angle to the objects motion such as gravity keeping a satellite in orbit is a good example.

Relativity theory shows that all motion is relative since it can only be measured relative to a given observer. These measurements are also reversible such that if I see someone moving a given direction at a given speed, he sees me going the opposite direction at the same speed.

Motion is describes the changing of location of an object. Motion can be both strait and curved. It can only be described relative to a chosen point of reference. Motion is how we get from place to place.

The Quantization of Quantum Mechanics

Quantization: The situation where physical quantities like position, energy and momentum can have only certain discrete values.

While a particle’s position, energy and momentum in free empty space are continuous, if the particle is bound to an area of space can only have certain discrete values. The energy contained in a given frequency of electromagnetic waves is quantized in that it always has the same value at the same frequency. The electromagnetic energy is found in discrete packet called photons.

The quantization of the energy od an electron within an atom explains much of their behavior such as why atoms emit only discrete frequencies of light. An electron that is in a low orbit of an atom can absorb a photon causing the electron  to jump to a higher orbit. The electron then emits a photon jumping back to the lower orbit.

The quantization of space-time us based on several natural units proposed by Max Planck that are based on five universal physical constants: Gravitational constant, Reduced Planck constant, Speed of light in a vacuum, Coulomb constant, and Boltzmann's constant

While most of them have no physical significance two of them Planck Length and Planck Time are the smallest possible measurements of space-time according our current understanding of the laws of Physics because of the  uncertainty principle when a plied to these scales. This suggests that time and space themselves are Quantized.

Planck Length = 1.616 252 × 10−35 m

Planck Length is the smallest measurement of length that has any meaning with in the laws of physics as we understand them today.

Planck Time = 5.391 24 × 10−44 s

Planck Time is the amount of time it takes a photon to cross a Planck Length. It is the smallest measurement of time that has any meaning with in the laws of physics as we understand them today.

Quantization requires physical quantities like position, energy and momentum to have discrete values explaing much of what goes on in side atom and based on our current understanding of the laws of physics it suggest that time and space are quantized.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Work of Energy

Energy: The ability of a system to do work.

According to Special Relativity energy has mass and that the mass all matter is a result of energy. E = mc22 so all substance is based on energy.

The 1st Law of Thermodynamics says that energy in any interaction is conserved. That is the total amount of energy in the universe is constant. It is also stated as energy can not be created or destroyed but it can change forms.

The SI Unit for energy is the joule (J):  Newton-meters = m2·kg·s-2

Common Types of Energy

Heat energy: The energy associated with the temperature of an object.
Light energy: The energy associated with visible light.
Electrical energy: The energy associated with an electric current.
Chemical energy: The energy associated with the reactions involving molecules.
Nuclear energy: The energy associated with reactions involving atomic nuclei.
Kinetic energy: The energy associated with motion.
Potential energy: The energy of a system based on its position or condition. Stored energy.
Rest mass energy: The energy of an object that is not in motion. E= mc2

Energy is one of the three main parts of the Universe space, time and mass and relativity shows them to be inter-related. Space and time are so interrelated that they form a single entity. Furthermore mass warps space-time forming Gravity and the motion of mass contracts both space and time. 

In conclusion in common experience energy is what moves us and allows us to move thing. Physics has shown it to be a lot more. It is a fundamental part of the universe.

Matter in Physics

Matter: Anything that has mass and occupies volume. It is the general term for the substance of which all physical objects are made.

Mass:  In the generally sense it is the amount of matter in an object. It is the term for two properties of matter that are equal in value: inertial mass gravitational mass.

Inertial Mass:  The resistance of a body to acceleration when responding to force.

Gravitational Mass: Property of an object that determines the strength of its gravitational field and its reaction to gravity.           

The existence of a relationship between the inertial and gravitational mass of an object is evident from the fact that they have same the value. However General Relativity shows that inertial and gravitational mass are two aspects of the same thing.

Special Relativity shows that an objects mass is equivalent to the amount of energy an object contains.

The SI unit of mass is the kilogram which is a mass equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram. It is based on the gram which is the mass of 1cm3 of water and that kilogram is the mass of 1000 cm3 of water.

There are 3 main states of matter with distinctions based on differences in bulk properties. They form a triad with each one able change directly to the other two. Other forms are called states exist but they mainly are variations of these three.

Solid – A definite volume and definite shape.
Liquid - Definite volume but no definite shape.
Gas    - No definite volume or shape.

Plasma is commonly called the 4th State of Matter. It is an ionized gas where electrons have been freed their atoms; usually by heat. It is mainly an extreme form of gas with all defining characteristics of a gas that is no definite volume or shape. It is the most common form of normal matter.

Normal Matter is composed of atoms. Atoms are a nucleus; made of protons and neutrons; with electrons around it. This form of matter in what we commonly experience. Matter makes up everything around us, everything we see, everything we touch and even our bodies.

Matter is one of the three main parts of the Universe Space, Time and Mass. (matter) Relativity shows them to be inter-related in that space and time are so interrelated that they form a single entity called space-time. Furthermore mass warps space-time forming gravity and the motion of mass contracts both space and time.

In common experience matter is what makes up objects around us and Physics has shown that it to be a lot more. Matter is a fundamental part of the universe.